Patient Comments
Sara J
Dr. Kohn was the “on call” physician when I was in the ER one evening. The ER staff called him to consult on my case. He came to the ER in a very timely manner, was very concerned, kind and caring about my problem. He admitted me to the hospital and continued his treatment of me with the same care and concern that he showed me in the ER. He quickly ordered several tests and solved my issue within a very short time. I was discharged within a day. I had a followed up with him at his office and I have to say, his staff was some of the most professional and kindest people I’ve come across in the medical field! I was very pleased with Dr. Kohn and would highly recommend his services to anyone. He is an A+ doctor in my book.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. James Kohn, a true server of the Hippocratic Oath, for investing a lot of time and interest in saving my life! For 12 years I had a tumor growing on my leg, which was misdiagnosed by other doctors as a Lipoma. I also underwent surgery. I decided to have my leg re-examined and have the Lipoma removed this past April because the lump had grown. Possessing incredible vascular knowledge, Dr. Kohn was able to diagnose a relatively uncommon malignant neoplasm: DERMATOFIBROSARCOMA (a locally aggressive tumor with a high recurrence rate). This diagnosis scared me, devastated my fiance and my family overseas. Bad news never comes by itself. Besides having to face the battle with cancer, I was now facing termination of employment and medical benefits due to my medical condition. At that point, I asked Dr. Kohn to postpone the surgery for three months so that I wouldn′t lose my job and medical benefits. Dr. Kohn advised a delay of surgery could result in the likelihood of losing my leg. At his urging, we scheduled the surgery within a few days. When I discussed my medical circumstances with Human Resources, they coldly advised me that I would in all likelihood be terminated and lose my medical insurance. Dr. Kohn became my advocate, showing a lot of compassion. Without hesitation, he was ready to help in every way he could. He pleaded my case to the CEO of the institution that we were both working for – Dr Kohn, a prestigious surgeon, me an insignificant non-medical technician that was delivering supplies throughout the medical facility. The result of his amazing gesture was a big wave of generosity from the Doctors Hospital staff that donated personal time off for helping me during my long recovery. Dr. Kohn′s gesture changed my whole perspective about life. He proved to be not just an extraordinary doctor, but also a great humanitarian with tremendous character and compassion. Dr. Kohn′s medical expertise made three surgeries happen in less than two months. Both Dr. Kohn and his friendly and caring staff assisted me throughout my recovery. Today, almost four months after the terrifying diagnosis, thanks to Dr. Kohn, I am able to walk again. I have been reassured that there are no chances for the recurrence of the tumor. Dr. Kohn′s mission didn’t stop there; he was also kind enough to refer me to a good oncologist for further medical assistance. I don’t know if I will ever be able to thank him enough for saving my life. My endless gratitude…
I would recommend Dr. Kohn unconditionally. He became my doctor in 2004 when I became very ill after my AV fistula failed in my right arm. I was at the hospital and no one wanted to operate on me because I also had MRSA. Dr. Kohn asked the doctor in my room if it was necessary for me to dialyze to stay alive and when the doctor replied, yes, Dr. Kohn said he would do it the first thing the next morning. I was so happy. I spent about 3 weeks in the hospital but my biggest surprise came when I was released. I went to follow up with Dr. Kohn and he did something no one had done for me. He told me what my diagnosis of FSGS really meant, and that since it was an autoimmune disease, I should do some research and find out what that means for me long term. I was ESRD for 2 years and not one doctor before Dr. Kohn had given me information about my disease specifically. I have done the research and at my clinic other FSGS patients come to me with questions. He not only saved my life, he helped me understand exactly what was wrong with my body and my kidneys. Last year my nephrologist decided that there was too much pressure building in my fistula, and it might need to be repaired. I saw Dr. Kohn and told him that with the economy this time, I didn’t have the money to pay for the surgery. He told that he wasn’t worried about the money but worried about me getting better. I was shocked and amazed that a doctor would say that in this day and age! His office staff is polite and friendly and I’ve never had to wait more than 5 or 10 minutes for my appointment time, and then the doctor is in the room within 5 minutes. This is much different than the hour plus wait with some of my other doctors. I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Kohn. His compassion, professionalism, and knowledge saved and changed my life. View rating details Jul 18, 2010 Reviewer: Judy Orton Dr. Kohn became my doctor in 1999. He has always treated me kindly. I would not have made it without him. I started dialysis in 1999 and was so sick. Dr. Kohn put a cadaver vein in my leg and Channel 11 News interviewed me and taped my surgery. He is always willing to help his patients. In December 2008 I went to the Access Center because I had a blood clot in my vein. Well, the Dr. there mashed my blood clot out. The next morning my leg was ice cold. I called Dr. Kohn, and he met me at the ER. What had happened is that the access center tore the vein. I ended up on life support. Dr. Kohn fixed it. He has also fixed my toe and put a stint in my leg to increase the blood flow to my foot. Just want to let you know how wonderful Dr. Kohn is. He is a Dr. that really cares.
I have been a patient of Dr. Kohn’s for approximately 4 years. I feel the need to share my experiences with Dr. Kohn and his staff, so that others like me can finally believe that not all doctors have the “God” complex. I have been an R.N. for 23 years (now disabled) I am 45 years old. I feel I have more than earned the ability to evaluate a physician. I became a permanent patient after an accident left me paralyzed. Being an R.N. for 15 years on the floor, I met them all, Interns, Residents, Chiefs and so on. I now see at least 4 regular doctors routinely. Five years ago, as a complication of paralysis, I required an emergency visit from Dr. Kohn. We had never met and at that time did not know I was an R.N. He came in with the most sincere attitude. I was and am a Medicare patient. Without going into everything, these last 4 years continue to bring challenges that no one seemed to be able to clear up. The risks of infection and possible death are high for patients with ulcers that will not heal, eventually eating to the bone. Dr. Kohn spent weeks with me in a Long Term Care Facility, making every effort to not only get me well, but keep me well and active. He has answered my frantic calls and sometimes my annoying pushy attitude. (Nurses really are bad patients.) Over these years he has had to do 2 extensive surgical procedures requiring 2-3 month hospital stays, and then again last December it appeared again. I am a very active paralyzed patient, so finding the cause of this reoccurrence has been challenging. This last time most doctors would have not been able to “fix ” me, due to the anatomy. However he found a way, showing his caring, patience and incredible knowledge of his abilities of general surgery and vascular surgery. His patients are mainly the elderly and disabled with little reimbursement. When I was a nurse, I considered myself a patient advocate, and I believe that is what Dr. Kohn is. He continues to follow up with me every few months, and has made a commitment to do so. His staff is incredible. I have a primary care physician that has been my doctor for 15 years, before my accident. When I was unable to get some forms signed in a timely manner, Dr. Kohn stopped and wrote the necessary letters to get what I needed. There are not enough doctors in this world that live by their oath. He is the only doctor I see that takes the time and effort to make you feel really safe. I hope that if anyone has a loved one that needs this expertise, they will consider Dr. Kohn and his staff. Even in the hospital his hours were so late; he would make rounds at 9 or 10 at night. This kind of a doctor that takes Medicare and Medicaid is not in it for the money. He is there because he cares. I hope I never have to be back under his long term care again because that would mean I would be very sick again but at least I know he is there.